While Kinesiology literally means the study of body movement, Energy Kinesiology is a holistic blend of that study utilizing manual muscle testing as a biofeedback tool to assess a person’s response to various stimuli. All forms or systems of kinesiology originate from George Goodheart’s Applied Kinesiology, which is a specific system of Kinesiology that does specific things. There is no evidence to support muscle testing in any format as a diagnostic tool. There can a huge difference between those who are trained in Energy Kinesiology and those who practice muscle testing; many who practice simplistic muscle testing have very little understanding or training in neurological disorganization, transference, countertransference and other issues that can influence the outcome of a particular session. Additionally, they very often cannot identify the muscle they are using or correct imbalances in it when there is dysfunction.
Functional muscle assessment is a natural bio-feedback mechanism which supplies information via the nerve pathways and meridian systems of the brain and body, known as our subconscious. It functions very much like a polygraph test. Our subconscious holds our memories, beliefs and information about our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. By applying a range of non-invasive and gentle techniques we can access information held by our subconscious to identify and locate energy blockages, stresses and imbalances. When there is an indication that a person is stressed by a particular issue, we can then use a variety of different techniques to relieve that stress. The word, however, has come to be known as a natural therapy which relies on functional muscle testing coupled with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to assess energy and body function throughout the entire mind and body system.
Kinesiology is quick and specific in identifying the underlying cause and determining the best solution to resolve the imbalance resulting in changes on all levels, structural, emotional, nutritional, psychological, energetic and spiritual levels enabling your body to naturally heal itself.